

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Island Fantasy Ball Volunteers are essential to run our event and make it a success. There are many volunteer positions that must be filled. We provide training & written instructions to each volunteer. Our volunteers find that volunteering is both rewarding and enjoyable.

 CCC/IFB Volunteer Form


IFB Volunteer Positions


1) Set up The Decor for the Table Place Settings/Center Pieces/Wall Art/Signage


Friday afternoon/evening


2) Table Cleanup


Saturday Afternoon between the Day and Night sessions, and Saturday Night after the event



3) Take Down the Decor for the Table Place Settings/Center Pieces/Wall Art/Signage


Sunday afternoon/evening


4) Ticket Checkers/Program Sales


Ensure each guest including competitors seeking entry to the event must produce either a valid admission ticket or re-entry pass. And sell programs for the event. 


5) Door Admission Control


Assist ticket checkers during peak times. Usher guests within the ballroom. Monitor and enforce seating, food and beverage, entry and exit policies.


6) Bar Ticket Seller


Saturday & Sunday evening


7) Host/Hostess


Shop for food on Friday. Prepare and Serve food on Saturday and Sunday at various times to the Judges on the stage. A shopping list and serving times will be provided.


8) Drivers


Valid Driver’s License & a clean, reliable insured vehicle required.


9) Registration Assistant


Assistant to the Registrar including registration of couples and collection of deposit for competitor numbers. Liaising with Marshalling and Stage Manager as to cancellations, additions and no shows.


10) Marshaller


Organize and perform proper head counts of competitors for each competition round/heat. Liaising with Stage Manager and Registrar to determine the addition or cancellation of rounds/heats. This position is appropriate for very experienced competition volunteers or ex-competitors only.


11) Stage Assistant


Assistant to the stage manager including running of competition or showcase related errands at the request of the stage manager or MC. Maintain alertness to the needs of the stage manager and MC at all times.


Volunteer shifts vary in length from four hours to all day long. However, this varies according to the position; and can be tailored to an individual’s needs if necessary. Your volunteer coordinator will work with you.


We have included a Frequently Asked Question section below. If you wish to enquire further about volunteering for Island Fantasy Ball, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteers@IslandFantasyBall.com


Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need a ticket to be a volunteer?


You do not have to have a ticket for the time that you are volunteering. However, if you want to attend the Island Fantasy Ball at any other time, you must buy a ticket for that time. Note that due to very limited space, volunteers are not given seat tickets and are not guaranteed to see any events. Most volunteers do not work inside the ballroom.


Is there a dress code for volunteers?


Yes. A suit and tie or semi formal/business casual for the men and semi-formal/business casual wear for ladies is sufficient.


Can I drop in at the Island Fantasy Ball and help out without registering as a volunteer?


No. We require all volunteers to register and provide certain information about their expertise and experience before the event. While we are grateful for all assistance, please let us know in advance if you can help.


What do I do if I register as a volunteer but find I cannot make it?


Please endeavor to do your utmost to fulfill any volunteer commitments you make as our event depends on our volunteers. In the case that you cannot do so inform the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as possible by email to Volunteers@IslandFantasyBall.com


Will I get the position I request?


The Volunteer Coordinator will try to place you in the position you request. However, the position you are given depends on a number of factors, including how early you register as a volunteer, the availability of the position you requested, your previous experience and any special skills you have. If you are placed in a position, you did not request, you will be contacted to obtain your consent.